Análisis de viabilidad para un Instituto Internacional de Resiliencia de Algas Tropicales

This report explores the viability and need for a tropical seaweed resilience institute to work as an international umbrella organization supporting the upstream development of the tropical seaweed industry in different countries. 

Tropical seaweed farming has been and is developing as a sustainable avenue for economic development and environmental conservation in tropical regions. But primary production faces obstacles such as genetic uniformity and susceptibility to climate change, making it prone to diseases and, therefore, crop failure, which puts the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of farmers at risk.  Recognizing the need for urgent measures, there's a call for an international initiative to enhance tropical seaweed resilience.

Validación de la viabilidad de crear un instituto internacional dedicado a la resiliencia de las algas tropicales. 

Through comprehensive research and analysis, learning from successful land-based crop resilience institutes, the report identifies strategic priorities and proposes the formation of the Tropical Seaweed Resilience Institute (TSRI). The report highlights the institute's aim to promote resilience within the industry, by conserving biodiversity, improving seed material, and recommending a network-based approach for optimal efficiency and global dissemination of best practices.

This report is funded by: 

Cargill and Konservasi Indonesia

Análisis de viabilidad para un Instituto Internacional de Resiliencia de Algas Tropicales

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